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(Part 9) Looking At BBC One Reigonal Idents - BBC One Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
bbc 1 north yorks & lincs 06 09 12 1830
BBC One Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Christmas 2014 Ident
(Part 8) Looking At BBC One Regional Idents - BBC One North East & Cumbria
BBC Look North Yorkshire sombre titles 9 April 2021
BBC1 Yorks and Lincs - 2001
BBC1 Yorkshire Regional Closedown 30/12/14
BBC One North (Yorkshire) Tandem Cyclists Ident 2017.
BBC One Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Continuity - Monday 29th October 2001
BBC Points West Special Open of the Death of the Duke of Edinburgh
BBC One East Midlands Christmas 2013 Ident Snowflakes
BBC One Excersize Ident.